The field of IT security has been working with biometrics for quite sometime and has successfully added a layer of security for computer users out there. The heaviest users of such technology are large businesses who aim to have the need for protection due to technology breakthroughs, corporate information and other vital security issues such as in government military offices. Though the technology has spanned most of the human physiology ( Fingerprint, cornea scanning, palm scanning, face recognition and many others) none have focused much on the area of speech or voice recognition technology. Your voice is as unique as a fingerprint and even between twins there are subtle differences in their make-up, tone, pitch, and many other voice characteristics are being studied in conjunction with other biometrics technologies for access control to data sensitive areas such as government intelligence offices, tax office and other such areas that need protection. With many people using headsets and other devices, why not voice recognition. Even walking patterns are being studied by analysts in Sweden which have been working on security devices for cellular phones which can detect if the user has changed and shuts itself down preventing use. This is done to discourage theft of cellular devices which has seen a sudden rise in the past years. The voice recognition can replace password which, as today’s technology sees it is quite inefficient. Other technologies of the future may have your DNA as your password which has been highlighted by sci-fi movies such as the Minority Report where retinal scanning was used to identify people. The Futuristic world of Gattaca where people are selected for their genes rather than personality and abilities. The future of biometrics is indeed heading that way for the ultimate identification system is your DNA which is unique in all aspects to each and every individual.
Malware, Viruses and other mutating threats on the rise
They are not only growing in numbers, but growing in complexity that they are en-likened to their real-life counterparts that mutate and give doctors and geneticists a hard time to treat. Major software developers mainly in the anti-virus/malware area have been finding it very difficult to remove and provide cures for the damage they do. This may be a sign of hard times to come when it comes to viruses and other forms of malware that have more than one instances in their databases. This has become so much of a danger that a single virus may have a hundred or so variants all having individual differences with the damage they cause rising exponentially. The initial discovery of a virus may be the first time it encounters virus detection experts who dissect them and find out how they work from the inside out allowing them to provide updates to already installed protection software allowing detection and removal. The instances when these software use the Quarantine facility is when the damage is too severe and cannot be repaired or that the software recognizes it but is not quite sure which one it is. That is why these software have facilities to submit these errant files to their rapid response centers where they are studied and feedback is sent back to you to show you what the infection was and what happened to your beloved file.
They might simply be code but they are evolving everyday and they are doing so in ever complex ways. The initial code might have little resemblance to their variants and so is the damage they cause. Advice for the millions of users out there, keep your anti-virus updated as much as possible, also keep your operating system updated which has updates released to correct vulnerabilities that are discovered and if you do not have an anti virus software installed, better get one or you might be surprised to see a lot of garbage on your hard disk where your hard earned documents and other vital files used to be leaving you crying your pants out in utter disgust sending you towards endless overtime to re-do all the stuff you lost. Get email you don’t know the sender or am not expecting don’t open it.
Vaccine Loaded Flash Disks
LG, one of Korea’s leading industry giants has announced the release of its Vaccine Flash Disk which will come in 512 to 8 Gigabyte models. The said hardware based protection is the company’s bet at getting it’s fair share of the Consumer Electronics market mainly in the computing industry. The said flash disk is pre-loaded with an anti-virus, malware protection which scans the system it is connected to removing and preventing further infection. The concept of hardware based malware protection has been in the works for quite sometime with motherboards that have anti-virus protection and hard disks that do the same. Flash disks have replaced the good old floppy in being the most prolific means of spreading of malware on earth. Being discreet and having ever larger capacities, they have been involved in infecting innocent computers and networks to corporate espionage and identity theft for their portability and small footprint being their worst trait.
Viruses and malware have long wreaked havoc on the computing industry since they were created in the 80’s and today’s viruses have gotten so sophisticated that even the FBI, CIA and other security and law enforcement agencies have become involved setting up their respective IT crimes divisions. The law has also caught up with steeper penalties and fines to offenders who do intentionally infect and create these malicious code that have caused millions of dollars in lost business revenue all over the globe. We should expect more of these hardware based-protection systems in the coming future for they might be the only way to protect media and other vulnerable Information Technology resources from attack.
Inter-Operable Information Systems – Leading the way for a safer tomorrow
The US government is leading the global scene with it’s many states placing requirements for inter-agency, inter-operable information systems that would allow the various agencies in law enforcement, public service and homeland security to communicate through voice and data allowing faster information dissemination thus improving performance. This allows these various state and federal agencies to have common channels of communication and information systems that can communicate through the internet diffusing the time it takes to distribute relevant and vital information to all concerned agencies. This gives faster response times and better public service on the forefront of their goals. State governments are expected to shell out millions upon millions into technology for IT security and Communication that must not only be secure but robust enough to stand the test of time. Industries in the said areas are hustling in providing these services opening opportunities for new business fronts which is always good for their respective businesses.
The entry of the New Year heralds the need for new budgets and upgrading of current systems to keep pace with crime and other degrading IT infrastructure. Governments have already spent and are planning to do more in hopes of getting people the protection they need from better weather forecasting and information dissemination, to fast crime reporting systems allowing both local and state policing agencies to fast get on the track to solving and curbing crime. Inter-Operable communications and Information systems would be a major costs in the upcoming budget hearing and industry has taken notice developing better and more innovative products for the public service sector.
IT Security in Public Schools
It has happened again, information with vital importance getting stolen lost into oblivion but not as grave as the incidents with the UK government, this time in a US Public School. This has been the second break-in in the said school since November last year and it is causing disgust with all concerned, students, teachers and staff alike. The school, Dorothy Hains Elementary school has been broken into twice in a span of a few months when vandals broke in, burning walls and other school equipment. The recent exploit also has office equipment, namely an administration computer which has the social security numbers of all the students and teachers. The principal has expresses utter disgust and desperately wants the disks back so as not to cause more disruption in the school’s operation.
IT Security is now getting on all the to headlines for with more and more information being centralized it becomes easier to loose vital information in so little a crime as petty theft. The recent blunders of the UK government with thousands of constituent information such as tax data and other financially important information highlights the need for more security and may call for more strict control and security on information, it’s use, storage and transport. The FBI, one of the world’s premier crime fighting agencies of the US suffers attacks on various levels through the internet considering the fact that it employs some of the most sophisticated counter-intelligence systems in the world how would an elementary school fare? You be the judge, and let us demand for better control and security of information from governments that it be guarded and kept. One way to curb this would be to impose more strict policing and penalties for violators to deter future venture into the area of IT Security that is Identity Theft.
IT Security – the main concern for 2008
Many have been victimized by identity theft and no other area has been so affected as the banking industry. Investment in upgrading and purchasing newer technology and software is one of the most expensive costs for the banking sector which has one of the highest losses when it comes to IT security. Banks and other financial institutions are expected to pour billions of dollars into buffing up their defenses in hopes of staying one step ahead of fraudulent claims and users. The culprit, the internet, the internet has become one of the most dangerous territories on earth for anywhere financial information is transmitted and used, it can be intercepted and misused. True to the dilemma, health industry leaders have also begun to recognize the rising costs associated with identity theft related medical claims. This has already been in the forefront of the battle in the US and is fast spreading around the world and company after company is falling victim to the said crime. The internet also makes it easy to get away with the crime for use of public access which can be traced but the user may be any of the millions of users at one time. Hackers can also turn to call bouncing options which is more akin to spy movies but is really possible. The banking industry has long been a target of ID theft more so in their credit card divisions where billions are lost annually to fraudulent claims and use. Technology is the only security these establishments have as defense but technology as we know it costs a lot but there may be no other choice for them. Buy or bust is the dilemma and they are surely buying.