Experiencing connection problems and slow transfer of data may occur at any given time for most networks. While most would immediately identify the network cards, computers, cabling or network configuration at first, the presence of unknown processes of the operating system or possible intrusions such as DOS or Ping attacks can also be considered as possible factors for the deteriorating speed issues for network administrators.
Such instances are only normal, especially for wide area networks, or networks exposed to the Internet. The mischief caused by such people can be expected, especially for people who love to try their talent in hacking and network intrusions. The prize of which is that of creating discomfort and headaches for companies that thrive on networks for business and profit.
While there are network monitors available, it would be best to get the best firewall software there is today. Some do not value the firewalls and their use until such issues arise, but just like the war on terrorism, it would be best to take on security measures before they occur to avoid bigger problems once their mischief succeeds.