It Security, is a cat and mouse business comprised of people trying to get the best of the other. People are always trying to get into a company’s servers to get information and the other half is the ones who are trying to prevent them from doing so.
This is quite a difficult task for these people use very sophisticated techniques in the form of code to do so. One very difficult problem is that if the treat and protector are the same. In the industry, these security experts are a select few and many have been all over the place in terms of companies they have worked for. With ever soaring prices paid for privileged information either for industrial espionage or personal gain it does pose a serious temptation to these professionals.
Most maintain their integrity by playing by the rules, but a few fall to the lure of a quick buck. Many instances of threats to many companies being discovered to have originated from within are on the rise and companies are going to lengths to getting people to look after the other. After all, we are only humans and many of us do need the extra cash but don’t you think there’s a more honest way to make it. People just don’t realize the importance of their information stored within say an insurance company of which they are a client of. If that information were to leak out into the open that can reek havoc on the finances of an individual or worst a whole client list full of it. Such leakages have ruined companies before resulting in bankruptcy and subsequent closure.
So to you guys, keep it clean for all of us depend on it. Maybe not me, but a whole lot of other innocent people out there can fall victim to a tragedy just because of a CD full of information you get paid a few hundred bucks for. And a warning, never ever think that no one is watching for someone surely is…