Downloading practically anything on the web is only normal. It is the primary basis and tag that the Internet has gained over the years, especially if one talks about music and images available over the Internet. While downloading practices by people have no limit whatsoever, it would be wise for people to stick towards the reliable and suggested sites such as that of Tucows and for programs and files needed. The Internet simply has too much unknowns that places workstation at risk.
Viruses and infected sites are normal over the web as well. Phone dialers usually associated with pornographic sites may soon be installed on the computer desktop of any person without their knowledge. Further, the presence of malware and worms may be lurking around simultaneously with the actual download. Symptoms such as slower browsing and peculiar pages that appear on start-up should keep anyone worried. It may just so happen that they have been intruded by untoward programs and viruses gotten online.
[tags]downloads, music, graphics, images, applications, malware[/tags]