If you are a Yahoo! user who regularly talks on Yahoo Instant Messenger, you have to beware of links that appear to have come from your contacts or buddies. There are some incidents of Yahoo accounts being hacked because of those links.
Modus operandi
What usually happens is that a buddy of yours will supposedly give you a link to something. It might be a Geocities page or a Yahoo photos page. Sometimes it seems as though it is a random page on your buddy’s Yahoo photos page or Geocities account. It would usually seem innocent enough. If you click it, it will direct you to a page that will require you to log in. You will probably just get stuck on that page. As if nothing has been going on. But the bad thing is that if you did try to log in, your password is already known by the person who created that page.
Have you encountered anything similar? If you have, maybe it is time to change your password.
The effects
Your Yahoo account gets hacked. The terrible thing is that you will seem to pass on different links to people on your buddy list. It would have been ok if it was some useful link like DIY stuff or something similar. But no – it leads to the spoofed Geocities or Yahoo photos site. The bad thing is that you won’t even know until you get contacted by the people on your buddy list. If you have friends from different countries, the time zones would affect how you would try to tell them that your Yahoo account got hacked. There are some messaging clients that use the Yahoo protocol that does not seem to support mass messaging so you have to do it as soon as you catch them online or you would have to send them all emails somehow.
This tip is not necessarily about your computer and the data in it per se, but it is more for you and your online identity.