In the UK, identified sex offenders are facing bans from social networking sites which is to boost the reliability and security of having these social networksUK where surveillance has become a part of everyday life, with CCTV systems and all types of other video surveillance abound that may be possible with current facial recognition techniques that can scan a person’s face from any angle allowing identification without that person in question even knowing about it.
The intent is quite good but just how will these social web sites go about identifying sexual offenders is a very tough task indeed. With millions of registered users that span the globe along with the hundreds of social networking sites that may be next to impossible. Don’t expect these people to enter their true identity for that is the first thing they would make them most identifiable. To invent some form of technology that would brand them as such would be better and can indeed make the internet a safer place for all of us including your kids who are often the victims of such criminals.