Employees today in most parts of the world could not live without their mobile devices. In fact, they bring these gadgets to work on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, while many people have considered their smartphones, tablets and notebooks are their constant companion, not all are aware of the security risks that go with them. Mobile gadgets can also be the target of cyber attacks. Smart hackers can actually gain access to mobile devices in a matter of seconds and install malware that will allow them to extract data from your gadget.
Analysts have been predicted that 25 percent of corporate data will be transmitted from mobile devices to the cloud by the year 2018.
With this prediction likely to happen, consumers need to arm themselves with the right knowledge on how to properly secure their mobile devices and keep them safe from cyber attackers. Here are ways that put your mobile device at great risk.
Malware Threats
Malware threats are also present in mobile devices. They can be used as a disguise to trick users into accepting what hackers are selling online. These tricks can include spam, links on social networking sites and rogue apps.
Internet users should also be aware that mobile ads can be used as a form of cyber attack. This is what they refer to as “malvertising.”
Take note that malware Trojans for mobiles can work over a mobile phone network or a Wi-Fi network. They are sent through text messages and can steal data once a recipient clicks on a link in the text message.
Device Attacks
Mobile devices can also be subject to attacks similar to the personal computers. These attacks can be coursed through text messages or the short message service and the multimedia message service.
Device attacks are done for various purposes. They can be developed to gain control of a device and capture data or to cause a so-called distributed denial of service.
Data Interception
Smartphones that use a wi-fi network can also be intercepted and decrypted by hackers. Unaware to many people, the technology used to hack wireless networks is actually readily available and can even be accessed online.
To let you in on how these hackers do their stuff, they can view your data transmission and even your web-based email. Companies are also vulnerable particularly those with employees who use free wi-fi hotspot services.
Physical Access
Physical access to a mobile device is a threat many people face today. Being small and lightweight, smartphones, tablets and notebooks can easily be stolen and once that person gains access to your lock or password, important data stored in your device could vanish in mere seconds.
In the workplace, it is a reality that sometimes there are employees with malicious intent. They can use the smartphone or tablet of another employee or even a supervisor and download important corporate data to their own memory card. Or they can send that vital data via an email service to their personal accounts, according to personal injury lawyer Daniel Gibalevich. He said that when these malicious person obtains vital information, they can use it against you or the company they are working for.
Another security threat is when employees download mobile apps that can actually access corporate information. Sometimes owing to the prodding of colleagues or friends or through the attractive information presented online, they can easily be swayed into downloading the application without knowledge who developed it, how beneficial it is and whether it can be a threat to their corporate network.